Minggu, 14 November 2010

Islamic Culture among the Young Generation

  Islamic Culture among Young Generation

Honorable Protocols
       Honorable the juries
                                                  And my loving brothers
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. the lords of the world and the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto him, further, there will be no hostility except the wrongdoers.
Blessing and salutation be upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, Muhammad (PBUH) his family all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the Day of Judgment. And I offer my expression of gratitude to Allah, due to his favor and charity, so we can carry out this speech.
Besides, we should never forget to thank to the committee, juries and  protocol who has provided us time, so that we can deliver my speech in front of you all. In this good occasion we desire to preach on the title:

           Islamic Culture among Young Generation

Dear moslem brothers.
When we talk about Islamic culture, we are not really removed from what has been done by Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). What has been done by Him, perhaps we should be become a culture on everyday life.
My happy Moslem brothers.
Let's take a look at the recent phenomenon about what the Moslem generation have done in their daily activities; they feel ashamed the way to recite Al-Qur’an, they feel ashamed to go for praying in the Mosque, they feel ashamed to wear veil, they tend to choose watching videos, they to choose having a chat on the pedestrian and they tend to choose unveil. OK now. Ask them, which one is more familiar to you A Valentine Day or Maulud Nabi? I am sure that they are more familiar Valentine Day than Maulud Nabi.
A good modern Moslems are people who have a good culture in Islam, a good morality, a good character, a good education  but don’t forget you must not influenced by western style of life, it’s only good for education but not for the others. Being Islamic culture means doing Islamic teachings well and follow Sunnah Rosul. Have we done this in our daily life?
My happy Moslem brothers.
Let’s pay attention this verse:

It means that:
“And for every clan have their centre which they face it. So, fight in a good action everywhere you are. Make sure Allah will collect you all in the end of the world, indeed Allah is the Almighty for everything”. ( Al Baqoroh, verse:148 ).

My happy audience.
When we talk about youngsters, we know that they are hope of nation who will carry out the struggle for the sake of brighter future of the country. Similarly, they are at the same time, the hope of Islamic religion who will strive for the sake of Islamic teaching in the next, maintain the Islamic Laws, who will safeguard the Moslem young generation at large from influence of destructive western style of life, who will be leaders for the next. By knowing this facts, we realize, how importance role the youth have for the future. The youth supposedly symbolize the force that never become weak quickly.
Dear Moslem generation.
We pay attention to many young people who are not aware of their education and will be sadder if we see our Moslem brothers in our country behave badly and they intentionally avoiding Islamic teachings to follow western culture. We can not imagine and describe what is going to happen in the next time if all the young people are careless in this responsibility. We have to be aware that the responsibility of nation developing and religion establishing depend on us. By those considerations we should be very cautious with any destructive western culture that would enter Islamic teaching.
My brothers in Islam.
Last but not least, We should like to call you to prepare our generation in order to replace the old in the future. And we hope you and all the Muslem brothers wherever they are to abstain from bad action and furthermore we have to develop our skill and potency to reach the bright future.
I think it's time for me to finish this apeech begging your pardon.
And one from me; Be a good Moslem generation!
Wassalamua'laikum Wr. Wb.

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