Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds, and the sequel is for who keep their duty unto Him, further, there will be no hostility except against wrongdoers.
Blessing and salutation be upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, his family all his disciples, and those who follow them in Goodness till the Day of Judgment.
And we offer our expressions of gratitude to Allah, due to His favor and Charity, so, we could carry out our activities.
Besides, we should never forget to thank the protocol/committee/jury who has given to us the opportunity, so that we can deliver our speech in front of you all this time. In this good occasion we desire to preach on the title:
Dear Moslem brothers.
All students in a school, of course have been supplied by science and guided by teacher up at which are positive thing but not on the contrary. There is no teacher aiming at its student with negative things, they are supplied by worthwhile science to life either in world or also in eternity later.
Really, we feel very apprehensive if we know that bookish mankind such less proper things; interscholastic student anarchism as the examples, robbing, drinking alcohol, doing pre coitus before marry, forming gang, consuming drug, and others. We need to know that such kind of deed is very prohibited by Allah SWT., because it is done evil, so we have to avoid it. Allah SWT has said in the verse of Al Maidah ( 90 ):
It means:
Is there any among of you here in concerned with this case? Of course, the answer is No, there is not. We expect that none of you here conducting these.
My Loving Moslem brothers.
If we witness in printing or electronic media which reported every day, often news telling about interscholastic student fighting. Schoolgirl gang roughing up other schoolgirl as done by Gang of Nero in Pati Central Java and still many again.
But, let’s don't only be an audience in this case, frankly we feel pity to them, they have problem, of course. Let’s behold what becoming the background why student conduct a matter like that, one hundred percent they do not want to be blamed why they choose the backstreet. They clearly have the problem of which has not can be finished yet. Arising problem out can also because of inattentive their old fellow, there is problem with their old fellow, friends and others. Printing and electronic media and environmental also have share in happening student conduct those cases.
My happy Moslem brothers
Let’s be Religion as a protector of ourselves from doing such a negative thing, and extra-curriculum as a place to explore your talent. Hopefully, we’ll never restrained from the illicit deed, and made by Allah SWT become a generation who capable for welcoming the brightest future. Amin
My beloved Moslem brothers
I think it’s time to finish my speech begging your pardon, finally I say………….
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
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