Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Keunggulan Kurikulum 2013

 by. t hen must hurry MTsN BAkalan Rayung Ngusikan Jombang

Keunggulan Kurikulum 2013 . Rencana pemberlakuakn kurikulum 2013 yang akan dimulai Juli 2013, diklaim oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) memiliki tiga keunggulan dibandingkan dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) tahun 2006.
Seperti dituliskan sebelumnya, Sejak Indonesia merdeka setidaknya sudah berganti sebelas kali kurikulum antara lain: tahun 1947 disebut Rencana Pelajaran Dirinci Dalam Rencana Pelajaran Terurai. Tahun 1964 Rencana Pendidikan Dasar, tahun 1968 Kurikulum Sekolah Dasa, tahun 1974 Kurikulum Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan, dan tahun 1975 Kurikulum Sekolah Dasar.
Kemudian, tahun 1984 Kurikulum 1984, tahun 1994 Kurikulum 1994, tahun 1997 Revisi Kurikulum 1994, tahun 2004 Rintisan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, tahun 2006 Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, dan tahun 2013 dengan Kurikulum 2013.
Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Republik Indonesia, Mohammad Nuh, seperti dikutip kompas.com (11/3/2013),  menjelaskan, penyusunan Kurikulum 2013 tidak dilakukan  secara tergesa-gesa. Bahkan, kurikulum baru 2013 memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan kurikulum KTSP tahun 2006.
Kurikulum 2013, lanjut dia, sudah dikaji dan menempuh sejumlah tahapan persiapan yang matang sejak tahun 2011. "Di dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) juga sudah ada, dan di DPR pada awal 2012 sudah mulai dibahas," katanya saat melakukan sosialisasi kurikulum baru di Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat.
Nuh berkeyakinan, Kurikulum 2013 telah siap untuk diterapkan mulai pertengahan Juli 2013 mendatang. Dengan empat bulan waktu yang tersisa, dapat dimanfaatkan untuk sosialisasi, persiapan guru dan buku pelajaran
Nuh menjelaskan, keunggulan Kurikulum 2013 dibandingkan dengan kurikulum KTSP. antara lain:
Pertama, jika menurut kurikulum KTSP mata pelajaran ditentukan dulu untuk menetapkan standar kompetensi lulusan, maka pada Kurikulum 2013 pola pikir tersebut dibalik.
Kedua, kurikulum baru 2013 memiliki pendekatan yang lebih utuh dengan berbasis pada kreativitas siswa. Kurikulum baru memenuhi tiga komponen utama pendidikan, yaitu pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap. "Ke depan, kreativitas yang menjadi andalan. Di Kurikulum 2013 ditekankan pada penguatan karakter," katanya.
Ketiga, pada kurikulum baru didisain berkesinambungan antara kompetensi yang ada di SD, SMP hingga SMA.

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Kurikulum 2013, akankah berlaku Uji Coba! Kita coba lihat nanti...

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA -- Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yakin kurikulum 2013 dapat dilaksanakan pada 15 Juli mendatang. Penerapan kurikulum itu akan dilakukan secara bertahap dan terbatas yang didasarkan pada klasifikasi sekolah.
"Cakupan tersebut turun dari rencana semula 102.453 sekolah menjadi 6.325 sekolah," kata Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan M.Nuh dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi X, Senin (20/5/2013) malam.
Nuh menjelaskan sekolah yang akan menggunakan kurikulum 2013 terbagi dalam tiga kriteria. Pertama, kesiapan sekolah diprioritaskan eks RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar Internasional) dan yang berakreditasi A. Kedua, sekolah-sekolah yang memenuhi syarat keterjangkauan disribusi buku.
"Kita belum bisa melaksanakan tender buku jauh sebelum hari H. Dari situlah kita ambil cara terdekat yang distribusi cepat," kata M. Nuh
Nuh mencontohkan untuk provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam yang yang akan menerima kurikulum 2013 yakni sekolah yang dengan dengan ibukota provinsi.
Nuh mengungkapkan jika distribusi buku dilakukan ke sekolah-sekolah yang membutuhkan waktu selama 1-2 hari itu akan menimbulkan persoalan baru. Terakhir sekolah-sekolah tersebut harus memenuhi syarat basis provinsi bukan lagi wilayah kabupaten.
"Misalnya Aceh, mana saja yang kita ambil kabupaten/kota yang bisa dijangkau dan memudahkan distribusi buku. Kita belum bisa melaksanakan tender buku jauh sebelum hari. Dari situlah kita ambil cara terdekat yang distribusi cepat," imbuhnya.
Selain itu, kurikulum 2013 juga mengalami penurunan anggaran dari yang direncanakan  sebesar Rp 2,49 triliun menjadi hanya Rp 829,42 miliar. Nuh menyebut besaran anggaran tersebut telah disusun berdasarkan saran Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP).
"BPKP telah mengevaluasi sasaran dan kegiatan terkait anggaran implementasi kurikulum 2013 dengan kesimpulan kegiatan implementasi kurikulum 2013 dapat dilaksanakan," pungkasnya.
Sedangkan kesimpulan rapat yakni Komisi X mendesak Mendikbud RI untuk segera menyampaikan perubahan anggaran kurikulum 2013 sebesar Rp 829.427.325.000  disertai dengan lampiran alokasi rincian anggaran kurikulum 2013 per kegiatan dalam bentuk RKA-K/L untuk menjadi bahan kajian dalam pengambilan keputusan Panja Kurikulum 2013 paling lambat tanggal 23 Mei 2013.
"Dengan catatan, F-PKS tidak setuju dengan penentuan waktu paling lambat tanggal 23 Mei 2013. F-PPP mengusulkan secepatnya," kata pimpinan rapat Asman Abnur.
Asman juga mengatakan terhadap paparan Mendikbud tentang persiapan implementasi kurikulum 2013, Komisi X menegaskan dan memberikan catatan.
"Kemdikbud RI agar menyampaikan kelengkapan dokumen kurikulum 2013 kepada Komisi X DPR R. Kemdikbud RI agar menyampaikan data sasaran sekolah implementasi kurikulum 2013 kepada Komisi X dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan," kata Wakil Ketua Komisi X itu.

Minggu, 21 November 2010


             Liputan Bara is a kind of joke which implies about news, as like in the Television Program. Bara is abbreviation from Bakalan Rayung, it is a name of MTsN Bakalan Rayung Jombang. This joke was running about 10 minutes and telling about a tourist who comes from Korea to Indonesia. He was invited in studio Bara TV program from the bureau of Bali, and this program was broadcasted live from Bali, because Bara’s reporter meets him at Bali tourism object to conduct interview with the reporter of Bara Television, talking about Korean language translate into Indonesia, but the words have same meaning in Indonesia. The background of studio behind the news readers is made of a group of students who hold screen which pictured by symbol of Bara TV and the others hold letters that related to the program which was running. The letters are P R E S S  C O N F E R E N C E which was held by seventeen students from English Class students. This joke waas presented exactly on Farewell Party of Nine Year students of MTsN Bakalan Rayung academic year 2008 – 2009.

News reader      : Good morning Nusantara, you are watching Liputan Bara on Bara TV Education Program. I have some informations for you this morning. There will be a press conference between our reporter and the tourist from Korea. Now, we will contact our bureau from Bali. She will report directly.( the news reader stand in front of the background of studio )
Reporter            : Good viewer on Liputan Bara, now I am in one of the biggest hotel in Bali. I’ll interview a tourist. ( while reporting, reporter hold mike close to the tourist )  He is from Korea.     ( reporter met the tourist and greet him ) Hello mister, welcome to Indonesia and have a nice day for you. I come from Bara TV, today I invite you coming to this hotel to make interview with you.  Can I join with you for minutes conducting interview?
Tourist               : Of course. I can. It’s never mind. What can I do for you? ( tourist stand up in front of her )
Reporter            : What’s your name?
Tourist               : My name’s Be Ron Dhong.
Reporter            : What! Be Ron Dhong. Ehmmmm. ( reporter smile ) It’s very good name, Sir!
Reporter            : Can I ask you something else, mister?
Tourist               : Oh……It’s OK ( while nodded his head )
Reporter            : How do you come here, mister?
Tourist               : I come here by plane and it was very pleasant. ( raise his hands up and give thumb )
Reporter            : Do you enjoy your flight?
Tourist               : Yes, I do.
Reporter            : Excuse me, What are you doing here, mister?
Tourist               : Ahh. I’m visiting museum and beaches in Indonesia. They are very beautiful.
Reporter            : Anyway, I would like to know Korean Language, would you like help me  to translate into your language?
Tourist               : Of course, I would. What are they?
Reporter            : Do you know mouth? ( while touch his mouth)  Can you translate it into your language?
Tourist               : Yes, Mouth (( while touch his mouth)   do you mean! Mouth is Mon Chong.
Reporter            : Mon Chong. Oh yaaa. Mon Chong. And what about a man who likes to make him up as a woman.
Tourist               : A man who likes to make him up as a woman, ( moved like gay ) Oh… it is Ben Chong.
Reporter            : Ben Chong. Ben Chong. It’s like in Indonesia yah! Yah!
When I made a table I use the ruler ( while demonstrated making a table ), but it still not straight. So the table is not good. What do you say in Korea the word of Not Straight.
Tourist               :  Ehm….Your ruler must be broken. Yaa, not straight is Men Chong
Reporter            : Yesterday, there was a car walked out.( while her hand demonstrated as like a man pushing a car ) It was my uncle’s car. The car service station was so far. So we had to push it. What car walk out in Korean? Car walk out
Tourist               : Car walk out in Korean is Do Rong Dong.
Reporter            : Have you ever eaten rice wrapped by banana leaf? It’s Indonesian food, I think only in Indonesia, it’s very smooth, soft, and delicious.
Tourist               : Yeach, I have ever eaten it. Same like you. rice wrapped by banana leaf. Is it right?
Reporter            : Yes, it’s right. rice wrapped by banana leaf?
Tourist               : Rice wrapped by banana leaf is Lon Thong.
Reporter            : What about a big spoon?
Tourist               : Big spoon. Ya big spoon is en thong.
Reporter            : Ok, mister. There are still many words, I want to ask you. Come on, these are:
                             What about Torn trousers? 
Tourist               : Torn trousers  is bho long
Reporter            : What about Bald head?                       
Tourist               : Bald head is kin clong ( while touching his head )
Reporter            : What about Still young?
Tourist               : Still young is Bron Dhong, it’s like me. ( while pointed himself )
Reporter           : Ok, mister. I’m so sorry for disturbing you. Have a nice day.  Thank’s a lot. Bye, bye. So long.
Tourist               : Bye, bye. So long   .
Reporter            : That is, our interview with the tourist from Korea. I am Rafika from the Bureau of Bali report it.  Now we come back to studio Bara TV. Nabila Tri Wahyuni
News reader      : Thank you Rafika. Reporter  the bureau of Bali that has given report to us. Do you still remember what they said, Nabila, ehmmmm It’s very interesting.
                              OK, good watcher. I’ll continue to the next interesting report for you,
The Crew of Liputan Bara on Bara TV Education Program:
1.      Nabila                                      : News reader 1
2.      Tri Wahyuni                            : News reader 2
3.      Rafika                                     : Reporter of Bureau Bali
4.      Tourst from Korea                  : Herman
5.      Slamet                                     : Camera man
6.      Background holder                 : Iffat

Selasa, 16 November 2010

Kreasi Siswa Bikin Esei Sederhana


1    Choose the size you want. if you want to put longer items, such as a ruler, placed in your pencil case, you'llneed a longer pencil case
2    find a bag or box that suitable with your choize of size. it doesn't have to be nice looking, but strong and clean.
3    cover the box with paper, any colour.
4    decorate the container. try some or all of the following ideas:
        # put on some cool stickers
        # decoratewith your own art work with maskers: draw linesshapes, animals, people, etc
        # cut some megazine picture and stick them on it.
        # totally cover the box with wrapping paper : and
        # glue on shells, button, or anything else you want to decorate the pencil case with . add gliter if you like.
5     show all your friends, and be pround of you unique pencil caseNARATIVE

Once upon a time, sunan kalijaga planned to visit sunan muria in pati, central java. he asked his friend, ki rangga, to go with him. several servant also joined them to carry their luggages. and they began walking to sunan muria's house
several house later,ki rangga felt tired. he was embrrased to walk tigether with sunankalijaga because sunan kalijaga did not look tired while ki rangga was very tired and thirsty. finally, sunan kalijaga asked ki rangga to take a rest under a big tree. it was time eor the zuhur prayer. but there was no water around to clean up or 'wudlu' ki rangga was confused. he told sunan kalijaga about it. sunsn kalijaga only smiled and said. " we sould pray for alloh swt for water. now you must guard this big tree. but remember ! everything heppens because of alloh swt.
Cat is the type of pet cats that come from indonesia, this animal has a color: yellow, black, white,
food are: fish, mice
Part of the cat: has 4 legs, 1 tail, furry,

Quality cat:
  1. Cats have an uncanny ability to see the dark places
    2. Cats have very sensitive instinct to seek plateau when there is flooding
    3. Cats can become excellent hunters though without the use of firearms
    4. Cats with their natural ability to always be able to get away from the     dog's mouth
    5. Cats with a strong instinct always avoid drinking and just looking for pure drinking water quality
    6. Cats always have a high level of immunity, since all must fear hit motorists
    7. Cats always have the wisdom to understand the meaning, weight and balance
    8. Cats always had a more direct and even though ideal is never noisy participate fitness
    9. Cats have the ability to chew food

Cat habits: despite having a reputation as solitary animals, cats usually can establish wild colonies but did not attack in groups like lions. Each cat has its own territory (sexually active males having the largest area, being male sterile has the smallest area) and there is always a neutral area where the cats can watch each other or meet without the territorial conflict or aggression. Outside these neutral areas, local authorities will pursue common foreign cats, beginning with the staring, hissing, to growl, and when foreign cat remains, usually there will be a short fight. Cats who are fighting to uphold the body hair and arched her back so they look bigger. The attack typically consists of a slap in the face and body with front legs are sometimes accompanied by bite. Serious injuries in cats due to fighting is rare because the losing party will usually run away after suffering several wounds on his face. Active males are often involved a lot of fights throughout his life. This is evident in various cuts on the face, such as nose or ears. Female cats are also sometimes getting into fights to protect her children even sterile cat will defend vigorously the small area.


last week, mr. damiri's wife had an accident. her youngest child, yusuf, was at home when it happened. he was playing with his new toy car. suddanly yusuf heard his mother calling, " help !  help !' he ran to the kitchen. his mother had burnt harself with some cooking oil. she has was too small to help crying with pain and the pan was on fire, mr. damiri had gone to his office. the other children had gone ti school.
yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to him, bu he ran to the neighbour's house and asked his neighbour to come and help his mother the neighbour soon put out the fire andtook yusuf's mother to the cliening
when mr damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened . He was very proud of his son , When you are a man you will be jst like your father."  she said

Minggu, 14 November 2010

Islamic Culture among the Young Generation

  Islamic Culture among Young Generation

Honorable Protocols
       Honorable the juries
                                                  And my loving brothers
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. the lords of the world and the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto him, further, there will be no hostility except the wrongdoers.
Blessing and salutation be upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, Muhammad (PBUH) his family all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the Day of Judgment. And I offer my expression of gratitude to Allah, due to his favor and charity, so we can carry out this speech.
Besides, we should never forget to thank to the committee, juries and  protocol who has provided us time, so that we can deliver my speech in front of you all. In this good occasion we desire to preach on the title:

           Islamic Culture among Young Generation

Dear moslem brothers.
When we talk about Islamic culture, we are not really removed from what has been done by Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). What has been done by Him, perhaps we should be become a culture on everyday life.
My happy Moslem brothers.
Let's take a look at the recent phenomenon about what the Moslem generation have done in their daily activities; they feel ashamed the way to recite Al-Qur’an, they feel ashamed to go for praying in the Mosque, they feel ashamed to wear veil, they tend to choose watching videos, they to choose having a chat on the pedestrian and they tend to choose unveil. OK now. Ask them, which one is more familiar to you A Valentine Day or Maulud Nabi? I am sure that they are more familiar Valentine Day than Maulud Nabi.
A good modern Moslems are people who have a good culture in Islam, a good morality, a good character, a good education  but don’t forget you must not influenced by western style of life, it’s only good for education but not for the others. Being Islamic culture means doing Islamic teachings well and follow Sunnah Rosul. Have we done this in our daily life?
My happy Moslem brothers.
Let’s pay attention this verse:

It means that:
“And for every clan have their centre which they face it. So, fight in a good action everywhere you are. Make sure Allah will collect you all in the end of the world, indeed Allah is the Almighty for everything”. ( Al Baqoroh, verse:148 ).

My happy audience.
When we talk about youngsters, we know that they are hope of nation who will carry out the struggle for the sake of brighter future of the country. Similarly, they are at the same time, the hope of Islamic religion who will strive for the sake of Islamic teaching in the next, maintain the Islamic Laws, who will safeguard the Moslem young generation at large from influence of destructive western style of life, who will be leaders for the next. By knowing this facts, we realize, how importance role the youth have for the future. The youth supposedly symbolize the force that never become weak quickly.
Dear Moslem generation.
We pay attention to many young people who are not aware of their education and will be sadder if we see our Moslem brothers in our country behave badly and they intentionally avoiding Islamic teachings to follow western culture. We can not imagine and describe what is going to happen in the next time if all the young people are careless in this responsibility. We have to be aware that the responsibility of nation developing and religion establishing depend on us. By those considerations we should be very cautious with any destructive western culture that would enter Islamic teaching.
My brothers in Islam.
Last but not least, We should like to call you to prepare our generation in order to replace the old in the future. And we hope you and all the Muslem brothers wherever they are to abstain from bad action and furthermore we have to develop our skill and potency to reach the bright future.
I think it's time for me to finish this apeech begging your pardon.
And one from me; Be a good Moslem generation!
Wassalamua'laikum Wr. Wb.